How it combines with JASON?
The solution consists in two parts that can work independently of each other, though they achieve optimal performance when combined
Get location accuracies better than 40 cm processing (IMU inside) ARGONAUT data with JASON, leading to 5 cm horizontal RMSE ortho-products.
Insert your microSD card and a power supply (via either USB or the 6-pin JST-GH connector) to kickof. Easy plug-and-play format to make it even simpler to deploy.
Combine ARGONAUT with JASON, our cloud based precise GNSS processing service to achieve decimetric accuracies.

Best deal both solo and with the hot-shoe & cabling kit. Its affordability added to the decimetric accuracy obtained provides the user with scalability.
ARGONAUT is a small (65 x 65 x 20 mm), low-consuming (80 mA), light weighted (60 g) and compact device which includes an embedded antenna.
Use ARGONAUT kit option as a dual function GNSS solution: real time navigation and timing payload receiver. Generate accurate geotagging for captured external events.